March 24, 2016 By Certified Mail Mr. Robert Mangeot, Author of Shameless and Baseless Works of Fiction Dear Mr. Mangeot: The venerated and venerable law firm Vernon Stagg and Associates represents the selfsame Vernon Stagg, Esq., a noted figure of legal and civic stature in the greater metropolitan Nashville area. We mean none other…… Continue reading Humor: In Which Vernon Stagg Self-Lawyers Up
Tag: Humor
A Play in One Scene: Glory on the Hashtag
THE CHARACTERS JOHN GERMAINE, a play-by-play announcer HAMISH MacFLAGON, a color analyst and former world champion PETER CHERSKY, a Russian championship contender EMILIANA, a Brazilian championship contender various officials and audience members The Scene JOHN: This is it, the match we’ve waited for all year! Welcome, everybody, to beautiful Dubai and the WFTTT World Tic-Tac-Toe…… Continue reading A Play in One Scene: Glory on the Hashtag
Satire: Philip Marlowe’s 1939 Christmas Card Note
Bob’s note: written for the season of good natures and with love and respect for Raymond Chandler’s work. The main case referenced below is the plot thread of Farewell, My Lovely, my favorite of the Marlowe books and set in 1939. Christmas Eve, and a blade-straight wind is scraping dirt off the San Gabriel Mountains. Out…… Continue reading Satire: Philip Marlowe’s 1939 Christmas Card Note
An Open Letter to Cap’n Crunch Regarding the Current State of Crunchberry Handling
Dearest Captain Crunch, Oops? There you are, the famed naval commander, successful merchant and beloved naturalist, the brave explorer, pictured on cereal box after cereal box on our shelves, your eyes bulging with glee, silver fox mustache sparkling, hand extended out in pride toward a label declaring “Oops! All Berries!” To repeat, here is yet…… Continue reading An Open Letter to Cap’n Crunch Regarding the Current State of Crunchberry Handling