The new year isn’t new anymore. 2024 has had some haps. Here’s a few things going on, writing-wise.
Murder, Neat
A few years ago, the Sleuthsayers blog collective set out on a plan. An anthology plan. The Sleuthsayers ranks includes a few dozen terrific writers all with a love for short crime fiction. A group like that could, you know, pull together something as a group. The idea was stories set in or about bars. Booze is a crime fiction trope–but for good reason. Bars and booze are natural habitat for crime stories. The question is how stories play within that space, and we set out to play.
My offering is “Noble Rot.” I’ll go into its whats and whys in my March 9 post over there. All the contributing authors are posting about their contributions all month. It’s pure fun, and as a writing nerd, I’ve enjoyed hearing the stories behind the stories. This labor of love is several years in the making. Much thanks and respect to our editors Michael Bracken and Barb Goffman. Likewise to our collective leaders Rob Lopresti and Leigh Lundin. Much appreciation also to Level Best Books for believing in the project.
Mystery Magazine and Other Stuff Inbound
If you detect a smile in my words, it’s from a long-time idea getting over the line. A few years and a way different project ago, I tossed a powerfully silly Nashville PD detective onto a draft page. Powerfully silly. That project collapsed, but the great ideas behind it stuck with me. Including Det. Powerfully Silly. After fits and starts and pauses, I’m proud and delighted Mystery Magazine liked this over-committed guy, too. “Someone Went and Killed Tickly Thomason” meets the world in their March 2024 edition.
Another upcoming story is also in an anthology, this one led by Sisters in Crime’s Knoxville chapter. No publication date yet, though it’s on its way some time this year. The last one queued up will be in Black Cat Mystery Magazine.
There Were Tapas
I’ll save the full travelogue for another time, but last October we jaunted across Spain. Toledo, Sevilla, Cadiz, Madrid. A pass through Gibraltar, as well. So much history. I got to walk in the footsteps of Cervantes, Byron, and Hemingway. It does rain in Spain, and not merely on the plain. It fell on me. No complaints. This is the joy and story of travel.
Ah, Spain. The food isn’t as good as you might’ve heard, though. It’s better.
Closer to Home
My few conference and speaking appearances on the radar have a theme. I’ll be part of this June’s Bill Peach Franklin Book Festival right here in my home town. In August, I’m doing the conference double of Killer Nashville and the Nashville Bouchercon the very next week. If you’re headed to either gathering, let me know.
Sisters in Crime Middle Tennessee
I’ve been on the SinC Middle Tennessee board for ten years now. I was due to roll of as Past President. But you know what? They keep pulling me back in. Seriously, I love our local folks, and there was an opening that needed filling. I’m glad to stick around as Past Past President. What does such a role do? Past Past President stuff, like to mention the old ways and to nod knowingly during meetings. Or, on a good day, call on wisdom and experience and help on ideas. I’m glad to do it.