Me and Tybee

e   Me and Tybee I don’t know if it’s the best place to fish on Tybee, but the best place to be seen fishing on Tybee is the Pier. The Tybee Pier and Tybrisa Pavilion II, formally. No one here is formal. They’re fishing or talking about it. Sheepshead, drum, sharpnose shark. From a…… Continue reading Me and Tybee

I Know a Place: On Being There in Fiction

You need travel scoop, I’m your guy. Like if you’re in Paris and want to buy a roast chicken, you go to Rue Daguerre. Your average passer-through wouldn’t head as far south as Montparnasse. If most people lay eyes on Rive Gauche at all, it’s from a bateau mouche or a stop at the Musée…… Continue reading I Know a Place: On Being There in Fiction

2022: 10 Years of Writing Stories

2022 marks ten years since I tried writing short stories. Technically, I wrote my first one–that I acknowledge–in 2010, but that was dabbling and naïve ambition. 2011 was learning, and January 2012 brought my first short story acceptance: “The Food Acquisition Breakdown,” in wonderful but fledgling Canadian lit e-journal. There was no need to convert…… Continue reading 2022: 10 Years of Writing Stories

Film vs. Novel: The Haunting vs. The Haunting of Hill House

“The book was better than the movie.”   You hear it a lot, and it’s usually true. For the adventurous mind–and this particular tale is for an adventurous mind–a novel will necessarily top a film. Novels can do things films can’t. Novels explore themes in depth. Novels get read at the reader’s preferred pace, get…… Continue reading Film vs. Novel: The Haunting vs. The Haunting of Hill House


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