Seconds: “First of a Fine Spectacle”

Did you know Russian empress Catherine the Great wrote operas?  She did, badly, or so goes her history. Anyway, back in my own when came an anthology call for Catherine the Great stories and here she was upon research having tried her imperial hand at librettos. I wrote it, a comic romp. Got a yes.…… Continue reading Seconds: “First of a Fine Spectacle”

Behind the Short Story: “First of a Fine Spectacle”

I’m honored that my short story / high farce “First of a Fine Spectacle” was selected for Pure Slush No. 7, Catherine refracted. I’m a history buff. But I’ve not had much interest writing historical fiction. Or flash fiction. So historical flash? What drew me was the collection’s theme: Catherine the Great. A canvas rife with legend, some deserved, others…… Continue reading Behind the Short Story: “First of a Fine Spectacle”


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