2022: 10 Years of Writing Stories

2022 marks ten years since I tried writing short stories. Technically, I wrote my first one–that I acknowledge–in 2010, but that was dabbling and naïve ambition. 2011 was learning, and January 2012 brought my first short story acceptance: “The Food Acquisition Breakdown,” in wonderful but fledgling Canadian lit e-journal. There was no need to convert…… Continue reading 2022: 10 Years of Writing Stories

Film vs. Novel: The Haunting vs. The Haunting of Hill House

“The book was better than the movie.”   You hear it a lot, and it’s usually true. For the adventurous mind–and this particular tale is for an adventurous mind–a novel will necessarily top a film. Novels can do things films can’t. Novels explore themes in depth. Novels get read at the reader’s preferred pace, get…… Continue reading Film vs. Novel: The Haunting vs. The Haunting of Hill House

The Haps: Spring 2021

Spring has definitely sprung, and just as it brought its usual host of pollen and fresh critters, I have a minor host of updates to report: LOWESTOFT CHRONICLE In March 2021, my story “No Entiendo” appeared in Lowestoft Chronicle #45. The piece follows an IT guy who takes a contract gig at a Costa Rica…… Continue reading The Haps: Spring 2021

ForSleuth! I’m Onboard SleuthSayers.

  I’m excited and honored as of this morning to join the SleuthSayers gang for a monthly blog caper. SleuthSayers is both a favorite blog I’ve followed and a well-respected collaborative of some seriously talented short mystery fiction writers. Special guests, crime fighters, the works. These folks are long-established across genres and with longer works,…… Continue reading ForSleuth! I’m Onboard SleuthSayers.


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